Republic of Serbia

Criminal Procedure Code

Date: June 1, 2007
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Republic of Serbia, Criminal Procedure Code (2007), available from, accessed on 19/09/2024.

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Availability of additional procedures
Detention pending surrender
Enforcement of forfeiture orders
Enforcement of sentences imposed
Examination of places or sites - national proceedings
Examination of witnesses - national proceedings
Facilitating voluntary appearance of persons - national proceedings
Freezing of assets - national proceedings
Identification and whereabouts of persons - national procedures for ICC proceedings
Identification and whereabouts of persons - national proceedings
Identification of assets - national proceedings
International assistance in criminal matters
Location of items - national proceedings
National judicial procedures protecting witnesses from identification – witness protection
Offences relating to witness protection
Other forms of cooperation
Preservation of evidence - national proceedings
Protection of safety of physical or psychological well-being of victims, witnesses and families
Provisional arrest
Provisional arrest - detention pending surrender
Provisional arrest for ICC proceedings - national procedures
Provisional arrest for national proceedings
Questioning of persons - national proceedings
Search and seizure - national proceedings
Service of documents - national proceedings
Taking of evidence - national proceedings
Tracing of assets - national proceedings
Witness protection - national proceedings