
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Macedonia - Criminal Code 1996 (2018) EN

''Violation of the right to use the language and the alphabet Article 138''
(1) A person who takes away or limits the right of the citizens to use the language
and the alphabet, guaranteed by the Constitution, by law or by international
covenant, shall be punished with imprisonment of three months to three years.
(2) If the crime from paragraph 1 is committed by an official person while performing
their duty, they shall be punished with imprisonment of six months to five years.
(3) If the crime of paragraph (1) above is committed by a legal entity, it shall
be punished with a fine.

Macedonia - Criminal Procedure Code 2010 EN


Article 3
(1) Anyone who is summoned, apprehended or arrested, must immediately be informed, in the language which he understands, of the reasons for his summoning, apprehension or arrest and of any charge against him, as well as about his rights and that he cannot be compelled to make a statement .


Article 4
(2) Every accused has the following minimum rights:
- To be informed immediately and in detail, in a language which he understands, of the crime he is imposed on and the evidence against him ;


Article 7
(1) A representative of the minorities- citizen of the Republic of Macedonia in the court procedure has the right to use the language of his nationality and his alphabet. The court and the other competent state organs which are undertaking activities in the procedure, must provide the person with an interpreter free of charge. The Court shall provide a written translation of the written material which is of importance for the procedure or for the defence of the accused.
(2) Other parties, witnesses and participants in the court procedure have the right to a free assistance of an interpreter if they do not understand or speak the language in which the procedure is performed.
(3) The person will be instructed of his right to an interpreter. It will be notified in the record both about the given instruction and the statement of the person.
(4) The interpretation is conducted by a legal interpreter .

Article 8
(1) Charges (prosecution acts, prosecution proposals, and private charges), appeals and other petition requests are directed to the court in the official language.
(2) A representative of the minorities, citizen of the Republic of Macedonia has the right to direct the petition requests to the court in the language and alphabet of his or her nationality. In such an instance, the court translates the petition requests and so translated delivers them to the other parties in the procedure.
(3) Everyone who does not speak or understand the Macedonian language and its Cyrillic alphabet may direct the petition requests to the court in his or her language and alphabet. In such instances, the court proceeds according to paragraph 2 of this Article.
(4) An arrested foreign citizen has the right to direct his petition request in his native language to the court, and in other cases- under the condition of reciprocity.


Article 9
(1) Court summons, decisions and other writs are directed by the court in the official
(2) To the representative of the minorities, citizen of the Republic of Macedonia the court summons which will be delivered to him or her will be written both in Macedonian language and Cyrillic alphabet and also in the language and alphabet of his or her nationality.
(3) To the accused, representative of the minorities, citizen of the Republic of Macedonia

4. Examination of the accused

Article 216
(1) The examination of the accused will be performed by an assistance of an interpreter in cases proscribed in this Code.
(2) If the accused is deaf, he will receive his questions in writing, and if he is dumb, he will answer in writing. If the examination cannot be performed in this manner, a person who can communicate with the accused functioning as an interpreter will be called.
(3) If the interpreter is not under oath, he will take an oath that he will translate originally
and faithfully the questions directed to the accused and his statements.
(4) Provisions of this Code referring to the experts are accordingly applied to the interpreters .

Rome Statute

Article 50 Official and working languages

1. The official languages of the Court shall be Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. The judgements of the Court, as well as other decisions resolving fundamental issues before the Court, shall be published in the official languages. The Presidency shall, in accordance with the criteria established by the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, determine which decisions may be considered as resolving fundamental issues for the purposes of this paragraph.

2. The working languages of the Court shall be English and French. The Rules of Procedure and Evidence shall determine the cases in which other official languages may be used as working languages.

3. At the request of any party to a proceeding or a State allowed to intervene in a proceeding, the Court shall authorize a language other than English or French to be used by such a party or State, provided that the Court considers such authorization to be adequately justified.

Article 55 Rights of persons during an investigation

2. Where there are grounds to believe that a person has committed a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court and that person is about to be questioned either by the Prosecutor, or by national authorities pursuant to a request made under Part 9, that person shall also have the following rights of which he or she shall be informed prior to being questioned:

(c) To have legal assistance of the person's choosing, or, if the person does not have legal assistance, to have legal assistance assigned to him or her, in any case where the interests of justice so require, and without payment by the person in any such case if the person does not have sufficient means to pay for it; and

Article 87 Requests for cooperation: general provisions

2. Requests for cooperation and any documents supporting the request shall either be in or be accompanied by a translation into an official language of the requested State or one of the working languages of the Court, in accordance with the choice made by that State upon ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. Subsequent changes to this choice shall be made in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.