Proceeds of crimes

The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Macedonia - Criminal Code 1996 (2018) EN

''GENERAL PART, 3. PUNISHMENTS, Acquittal from Punishment Because of Damage Compensation, Article 43-a''

In case of a crime punishable with fine or with maximum 3 years of imprisonment,
which was performed under especially alleviating circumstances the court may acquit
the perpetrator if by the closing of the trial the perpetrator returns the illegally
acquired gains or compensates damages occurred or if in some other way repairs
the detrimental consequences of the crime.

Rome Statute

Article 93 Other forms of cooperation

1. States Parties shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Part and under procedures of national law, comply with requests by the Court to provide the following assistance in relation to investigations or prosecutions:

(k) The identification, tracing and freezing or seizure of proceeds, property and assets and instrumentalities of crimes for the purpose of eventual forfeiture, without prejudice to the rights of bona fide third parties; and